Receive support from the unseen
Spirituality is discovered, felt and defined by Self.
It’s also a word that elicits great emotion for folks, whether that be enjoyable or unnerving feelings. This is due to the centuries of harm by religious institutions, as well as the great betrayal of the Sciences against the Esoteric arts that began at the age of Enlightenment whereby only what can be seen, touched and repeatedly experience in the same way over and over again is of any value. Both of these have caused immense devastation to the land, indigenous cultures and our collective spirit.
My Spirituality Journey
I was born a spiritual being, like all humans. I had a natural easeful connection to the unseen magics of the world found in the woods behind my house and my day to day imaginal play. However, I was also indoctrinated through my childhood and adolescence into the Presbyterian Church.
I am not a Christian anymore, however, my time spent in the Church was not all bad and not all good - a binary I am committed to breaking that I inherited from religion itself. The fireflies at outdoor sing-a-longs, the poetic prayers set to Organ droans, dear friends from camp and youth group, magical Christmas Eve candlelit services, and even some of the biblical lessons are the joys of that upbringing.
The rest I composted, and much I still critique.
I also grew up in an established Jewish community outside of New York City, whereby I was exposed to the traditions, stories, songs, prayers and community strength dating back to ancient times. The real root of the Christianity that was taught to me.
As a Pisces Sun, I have always been interested in religion, spiritual technologies and mythological storytelling, including my obsession with Astrology starting in - you guessed it, Middle School. A Queer right of passage if you will. My favorite tradition was spending Hannukah with my best friends family and her joining mine for Christmas Eve.
These sorts of cultural exchanges are of deep meaning and value to me. Through trial and error, I have learned the difference between cultural respect and cultural appropriation.
In my graduate studies at CIIS - known for its focus on Eastern Spiritual Practices and the cosmic arts, I became deeply interested in Yogic tradition, Buddhism, Hinduism and the energetic system - The Chakras.
I studied at the Yandara Yoga Institute for my 300 Advanced Yoga Teacher Training, and their Reiki I and II certifications in the Usui tradition. The YTT covered Asana, Pranayama, Satya, ancient texts, Bhakti, Yin, anatomy, energetics, meditation, sequencing and teaching.
These experiences, as well as Anodea Judiths work of applying the Eastern Chakra system to Western Psychological Theory, deeply informed my graduate thesis and presentation: “Tiling the Garden: Healing developmental trauma and disordered eating though somatic and energy healing practices.”
I integrated this work into my all levels, all styles, all bodies Dance Company - No Mirror Movement, taught yoga at various studios in San Francisco, CA, and began offering reiki sessions to friends, family and the public.
While these South Indian and Japanese practices were hugely influential on both my somatic and spiritual lineages, they weren't my ancestral lineages. A weighty realization that unfolded with more education and trainings around my Whiteness and racialized trauma in school, in associateship and beyond.
As such I became deeply invested, and in truth - “called”, into figuring out who I am and where do I come from by way of paganism, historical research, ancestral storytelling, and abolition frameworks.
It all started with being visited by an ancestor in Squirrel form on my 29th Birthday in the Redwoods. And a deepening again during an ancestor circle where I channeled multiple ancestors through automatic writing for the first time.
I completed a six month Ancestral Storytelling and Culture Building Workshop for White European Descent People in 2020 with Erin Sweeney that was frankly life changing, dug more into herbalism and received a certificate from Bonnie Rose Weaver in Herbalism for Witchcraft, researched Irish and Scottish lore, history and magic, received my ancestral name: Solasta, reclaimed my grandmother’s maiden name, my Highland Clan: McIntyre, and now study consistently Renee Sills of Embodied Astrology and Lindsay Mack of Tarot for the Wild Soul.
Ecotherapy and land based connection are a foundational part of my spirituality, somatic practice and colonial repair work.
Lastly, I believe Creative practice in really any modality but especially painting, poetry and movement are a spiritual practice. I follow the and help folks connect with the Creative Spirit that loves them unconditionally.

“Go to the garden to learn about love” -channeling my Grannie Maine
Spiritual Guidance Readings
Overwhelmed by goals, dreams and tasks?
Exhausted from the journey and unsure of next steps?
Need somatic psychology informed spiritual guidance to prepare you for this next season?
Curious about using tarot and oracle cards to guide and deepen your therapeutic work?
Want a spiritual teacher who understands and holds an eating disorder - trauma informed - abolitionist frame?
Book a 35 minute live and/or recorded reading for $75
Readings include:
*Somatic arriving and departing practice to contain the messages and your psyche
*Five cards: one for each quarter, and one as the anchor/center theme for the year
*Suggestions for how to work with each card and transition from season to season from a somatic psychology lens
*Follow-up email with:
--> suggested resources for building upon the themes that arose in the reading
--> a recording of the session to reference throughout the year
--> mantras/affirmations for each card
F. A. Q.
You can also gift this reading to a loved one.
If you don't see a time that works for you, or you would prefer a recorded only reading, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/5DTNwBFgHBSu3ds96
Payment is due at time of booking to @slmthehermit on venmo. Thank you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at hello@fullandplentyjoy.com
Recorded responses will be sent in 24-72 hours. Otherwise please book a live reading here.

Brought to you by…
A podcast for complex beings exploring the in-betweens of channeling, identity and psychology.
Each Fall, we go deep with nonbinary healing practitioners to share concepts, experiences and practices that grow your relationship to spirituality, gender and alternative healing.
Join host Soalsta McIntyre (they/he) - Therapist, Witch and Founder of Full & Plenty Joy: an interdisciplinary therapeutic practice offering care to sensitive perfectionists trying to heal.
Listen in this Samhain through Solstice as they illuminate all the ways you are magic too.