where we all thrive

coaching - healing - community


Full & Plenty Joy is the healing birthed from choosing to feel it all and live. Fully.


It is the commitment to live both an uncomfortable and wildly pleasurable life.

It is the work of expanding our tolerance for healthy conflict and shared abundant love.

It is the experience of opening to the infinite spectrum of human experience and confidently embodying you.

Healing with the body is a radical act helping humans evolve towards a future where we all get to be well and loved.

-Solasta Lucky McIntyre

Creator of the Full & Plenty Joy School of Life, Death & Rebirth + the FPJ Life Spiral

Current Offerings


Unmasking Intensive

Catalyze Your Growth

A free ultimate guide to an aligned year fusing Somatic Psychology, Expressive Arts, Magic, and the FPJ Life Spiral.

Energy Healing Sessions

Align Your Dreams

Receive the clarity and inspiration needed to move from a grounded heart with the help of the Tarot and Somatics.

Somatic Coaching

Inspire Your Journey 

A weekly column and monthly podcast of personal insights and professional recommendations from multi-dimensional healers.


Do you want to thrive instead of survive?

Due to inherited trauma, oppressive systems, neglectful and abusive families, and our literal physiological fight/flight wiring, we are highly fragmented beings.

The parts of us that are angry, hurt, longing, overwhelmed, scared, and utterly defeated end up driving the car of our lives, while we sit helplessly in the back wondering where we’re going and how did we get here?

These parts only care about you surviving, not thriving.


This is why feeling our fragments - being in contact and collaboration with them, is healing, transformative and ripples out across time and space.

We can be the one to break the cycles our caregivers didn’t get to.

When we trust our enoughness and allow enjoyment, we have no more room for conditioned worry and shame.

By unlearning restriction, masking and overriding our bodies needs on our own terms breeds authentic full expression.

This is everything our relationships need.

This is everything our world needs.

If you identify with any of the following

  • Perfectionist

  • Overachiever

  • Workaholic

  • People Pleaser

  • Worry Wart

  • Queerdo

  • Anxious or Avoidant attachment

  • Caregiver

  • Artist

  • Healer

  • Dreamer

  • Lover

  • Witch

  • Entrepreneur

  • Dancer

you belong here.

Healing tailored to your needs

  • Psychology




    CBT and CBT-E






    EFT and EFFT

  • Somatics

    Somatic Experiencing

    Sensorimotor Psychotherapy


    Polarity Therapy

    Rosen Method

    Authentic Movement

    Dance Movement Therapy

    Cultural Somatics



    Energy Healing and Reiki


  • Creativity

    The Artists Way






    Altar Building

  • Spirituality

    Ancestral and Historical Research

    Ritual and Magic

    Divination and Tarot

    Astrology and Planetary Worship

    Land Based Practices and Paganism

    Culture Building

    The Creative Spirit

    Channeling and Ancestor Work

    Moon based practices

I believe we all have the capacity and right to prosper: be well.

I help folks become Redwood Trees: rooted, connected and taking up their space


Hi, I’m Sol (he/they)

My name means Luminous Craftsmen in Gaelic, to shine light through the dark through creation.

I am a Multi-Passionate Visionary devoted to the healing arts. I received my Master’s in Somatic Psychology and Clinical Counseling from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and my Bachelor of Art's in Environmental Studies, Community & International Development, and Dance from the University of Vermont.

My Soul Card in the tradition of Tarot is The Hermit - the Spiritual Guide.

My work is to walk beside you with my proverbial lantern, step-by-step, as we make the unconscious known, in order to get where you want to go.

I’m a Professional Dancer turned Professional Healer and Adviser, and a forever a Creative Artist and Student. My work is rooted in psychology, somatics, creativity and spirituality and manifests through my innovative curriculum called The Full & Plenty Joy Life Spiral. It is an Emergent Strategy inspired by my personal and professional endeavors of the last 15 years in breaking cycles, becoming embodied, freeing expression, tending spirit and aligning dreams. To read my full CV click here.

My pronouns are always They, sometimes He, and only She when dancing for my life. I am a proud Nonbinary Butch NeuroQueer with an AuDHDer’s brain. I believe choosing to feel all of life is the radical journey that will build a better world for all. I care about abolition, emergent strategy, pleasure activism, land back, decolonization, demilitarization, and dancing in the streets.

I’m committed to helping humans heal by integrating Mind - Body - Spirit with systems.

As Seen On

Our bodies hold the key to our healing.

When we heal at the root we can move beyond surviving to thriving.

 Free Offerings


Deprogramming Attraction Workbook

A somatically oriented non-judgmental journey into the underworld of your attractions.


Rest & Rejuvenate

A guided imagery journey into the healing arms of water. If you're needing some burnout prevention or restoration this one's for you. 


Embodiment Magic Orienting Workbook

Orienting is a game changer for your nervous system. Step 1 in Rewiring your brain and trusting again.

Reconnect with the intelligence of the body and spirit, heal at the root to repair harmful intergenerational cycles, reclaim unique magic and creativity, and orient towards values that support the liberation of all.

— Solasta McIntyre

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